Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gesneriad Seeds!

The following is taken from our Yahoo Groups list. This is a list of the various seed that can be obtained from Mauro. If one of the selections look interesting to you, requests will be taken!!! There will be a READ MORE link for those that want to see the whole list. Just click on the READ MORE line at the bottom of this post.

These are just the Gesneriad seed packets that are available from the BrazilPlants Collection. We contribute to help support the collection and as a gift we can order up to 18 seed packets a year. The selection of Sinningia species is spectacular. If you would like to see the rest of the seed list, please contact gesneriads@gmail.com. The website is BrazilPlants.com. It has many photos of the plants in his collection and in the wild. It's an excellent resource for gesneriad growers.
397 GESNERIACEAE Achimenes hybrid 'Big Purple'
398 GESNERIACEAE Achimenes hybrid ' Red x Self'
399 GESNERIACEAE Achimenes hybrid 'Tiny Red x Self'
400 GESNERIACEAE Aeschynanthus angustifolius MP 1199
401 GESNERIACEAE Aeschynanthus longicaule
402 GESNERIACEAE Aeschynanthus sp cf lobbiana MP 0331
403 GESNERIACEAE Alsobia dianthiflora 'Costa Rica' MP 0688
404 GESNERIACEAE Alsobia hyb.'Cygnet' x self MP 0865
405 GESNERIACEAE Alsobia punctata
406 GESNERIACEAE Chautemsia calcicola (Gloxinia (?) sp 'Arcos')
407 GESNERIACEAE Chirita heterotricha
408 GESNERIACEAE Chirita tamiana (Asia) MP 0983
409 GESNERIACEAE Chirita hybr. 'Isako' x self
410 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe calcarata 'Puyo'
411 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe carnosa MP 0342
412 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe carnosa 'Mangaratiba' MP 0987
413 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe cordifolia
414 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe crassifolia 'Belem' MP 1010
415 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe devosiana 'Guaratuba' MP 0693
416 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe devosiana 'Hairy'
417 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe devosiana 'Jureia' MP 0195
418 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe devosiana 'Pink' MP 0018
419 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe devosiana 'Zizo'
420 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe gracilis 'Aguas Mornas'
421 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe gracilis 'Espera Feliz' MP 0311
422 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe gracilis 'Itabuna' MP 1076
423 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe gracilis 'Kautsky - red leaf' MP 0016
424 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe gracilis Laguna' MP 1162
425 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe gracilis 'Pedra Grande' MP 1075
426 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe serrulata MP 0020
427 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe uleana MP 1012
428 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe venosa MP 0758
429 GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe sp 'Santa Teresa' MP 1163
430 GESNERIACEAE Columnea gloriosa
431 GESNERIACEAE Columnea polyantha MP 0362
432 GESNERIACEAE Columnea sanguinea 'Folha Verde'
433 GESNERIACEAE Columnea sanguinea 'Santa Teresa' MP 0364
434 GESNERIACEAE Columnea ulei
435 GESNERIACEAE Cubitanthus alatus
436 GESNERIACEAE Diastema racemiferum
437 GESNERIACEAE Diastema sp cf racemiferum
438 GESNERIACEAE Drymonia serrulata 'Maranguape'
439 GESNERIACEAE Drymonia serrulata 'Palmas'
440 GESNERIACEAE Drymonia strigosa MP 0903
441 GESNERIACEAE Episcia cupreata - Red Flower
442 GESNERIACEAE Gesneria christii MP 0934
443 GESNERIACEAE Gesneria citrina
444 GESNERIACEAE Gesneria cuneifolia MP 0041
445 GESNERIACEAE Gesneria cuneifolia 'Quebradillas'
446 GESNERIACEAE Gesneria cuneifolia 'Tom Talpey'
447 GESNERIACEAE Gesneria humilis MP 0655
448 GESNERIACEAE Gesneria ventricosa
449 GESNERIACEAE Gloxinella lindeniana MP 0231
450 GESNERIACEAE Gloxinia erinoides 'Alto Paraiso' plain leaf
451 GESNERIACEAE Gloxinia erinoides 'Chapada dos Guimarães' MP 0307
452 GESNERIACEAE Gloxinia erinoides 'Luziania'
453 GESNERIACEAE Gloxinia erinoides 'Red Satin'
454 GESNERIACEAE Gloxinia erinoides 'Terezina de Goias'
455 GESNERIACEAE Gloxinia perennis
456 GESNERIACEAE Gloxiniopsis racemosa
457 GESNERIACEAE Kohleria eriantha
458 GESNERIACEAE Lysionotus ikedae MP 0844
459 GESNERIACEAE Lysionotus serratus
460 GESNERIACEAE Mandirola ichthyostoma
461 GESNERIACEAE Moussonia elegans MP 0719
462 GESNERIACEAE Nautilocalyx sp 'Burle Marx' MP 1093
463 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus albus 'Santa Teresa'
464 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus albus 'Serra Bonita'
465 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus albus 'Nova Esperança'
466 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus australis MP 1179
467 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus brasiliensis MP 0272
468 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus corticola MP 0064
469 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus crassifolius
470 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus crassifolius 'Carangola' MP 0994
471 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus fissus 'Boraceia' MP 0068
472 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus fissus 'Gambirella'
473 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus fissus 'Juquitiba'
474 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus fissus 'Massaguassu' MP 0919
475 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus fissus 'Yellow'
476 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus fluminensis MP 0756
477 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus fornix
478 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus fritschii MP 0169
479 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus fritschii 'Ilha Bela'
480 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus fritschii 'Yellow Lip'
481 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus gregarius MP 1254
482 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus gregarius - yellow flower
483 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus gregarius 'Arujá' red leaf MP 0094
484 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus gregarius 'Gold West x self
485 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus jolyanus 'Salto Morato'
486 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus jolyanus 'Boraceia'
487 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus kautskyi
488 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus lanceolatus 'Carangola' MP 0961
489 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus lanceolatus 'Serra Bonita'
490 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus maculatus
491 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus mattosianus
492 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus monanthus MP 0430
493 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus pycnophyllus 'Macae de Cima' MP 1147
494 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus pycnophyllus 'Rio das Pedras' MP 1007
495 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus sericeus 'Serra da Vista'
496 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus sericeus 'Star'
497 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus striatus 'Zizo'
498 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus strigillosus
499 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus tessmannii 'Eldorado'
500 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus tessmannii 'Iporanga'
501 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus wettsteinii '4 Barras' MP 0098
502 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus wiehleri
503 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus wettsteinii 'Curitiba'
504 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus sp aff albus MP 0051
505 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus sp 'Nova Esperança''
506 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus hyb. 'Humminbird mix'
507 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus hyb.(fissus x brasiliensis) X self
508 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus hyb.(fissus x punctatus) X self
509 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus hyb.(fluminensis x punctatus) X self
510 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus hyb.(fritschii x brasiliensis) X self
511 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus hyb.(fritschii x fluminensis) X self
512 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus hyb.(fritschii x villosus) X self
513 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus hyb.(jolyanus x corticola) X self
514 GESNERIACEAE Nematanthus hyb.(jolyanus x fissus) X self
515 GESNERIACEAE Neomortonia nummularia
516 GESNERIACEAE Paliavana gracilis MP 0922
517 GESNERIACEAE Paliavana plumerioides MP 0965
518 GESNERIACEAE Paliavana prasinata MP 0807
519 GESNERIACEAE Paliavana sericiflora 'Morro do Chapeu'
520 GESNERIACEAE Paliavana tenuiflora MP 0741
521 GESNERIACEAE Paliavana hyb.(prasinata x S. gertiana)
522 GESNERIACEAE Phinaea multiflora 'Tracery'
523 GESNERIACEAE Rhythidophyllum leucomallon
524 GESNERIACEAE Seemannia gymnostoma
525 GESNERIACEAE Seemannia nemantanthodes
526 GESNERIACEAE Seemannia purpurascens
527 GESNERIACEAE Seemannia sylvatica MP 0217
528 GESNERIACEAE Seemannia sylvatica 'Saltao'
529 GESNERIACEAE Seemannia sylvatica 'Saltao - Red Leaf'
530 GESNERIACEAE Seemannia hybrid (Medea X sylvatica) X self
531 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia aggregata 'Ilha Bela' MP 0631
532 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia aggregata 'Furnas'
533 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia aggregata 'Indaiá'
534 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia aggregata 'Pirenopolis'
535 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia aggregata 'Visconde de Mauá'
536 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia aggregata -Yellow MP 0986
537 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia aghensis 'Aguia Branca'
538 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia aghensis 'Morro do Moreno' MP 0889
539 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia allagophylla
540 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia allagophylla 'Aurea'
541 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia allagophylla 'Moeda'
542 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia allagophylla 'Quiririm'
543 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia allagophylla 'Cambará do Sul'
544 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia araneosa MP 1069
545 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia amambayensis
546 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia barbata 'Bronze Leaf' MP 0106
547 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia barbata 'Coaraci Vinho'
548 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia barbata 'Green Leaf' MP 0107
549 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia barbata 'Jomar'
550 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia barbata 'Nova Esperança'
551 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia barbata 'Tancredo Neves'
552 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia brasiliensis
553 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia brasiliensis 'Aguia Branca'
554 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia brasiliensis 'Serra Bonita'
555 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia bulbosa MP 0170
556 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia canescens MP 0684
557 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia carangolensis MP 0313
558 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia carangolensis ' Cambuci'
559 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia cardinalis MP 0458
560 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia cardinalis 'Innocent' MP 0112
561 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia cardinalis 'Skydiver' x self
562 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia cochlearis
563 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia conspicua MP 0461
564 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia cooperi
565 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia cooperi 'Cunha' (erect)
566 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia curtiflora
567 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia defoliata MP 1001
568 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia douglasii 'Pedra da Antena' (Pink)
569 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia douglasii 'Red' MP 0469
570 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia douglasii 'Taipas' (Pink)
571 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia elatior
572 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia eumorpha
573 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia eumorpha 'Saltao'
574 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia gigantifolia 'Caparaó'
575 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia gigantifolia 'Itatiaia'
576 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia glazioviana MP 0281
577 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia guttata MP 0977
578 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia harleyi MP 0483
579 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hatschbachii 'Corupá' MP 1065
580 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hatschbachii 'Iporanga' MP 0624
581 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia iarae MP 0176
582 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia incarnata 'Maranhão'
583 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia insularis MP 0582
584 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia leopoldii MP 0583
585 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia leucotricha
586 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia lineata MP 0590
587 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia macrophylla MP 1003
588 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia macropoda
589 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia macrostachya
590 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia magnifica
591 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia magnifica 'Domingos Martins' MP 0694
592 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia magnifica 'Ibitipoca' MP 1067
593 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia magnifica 'Nova Friburgo'
594 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia magnifica 'Pedra Branca' MP 0594
595 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia mauroana
596 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia micans MP 0891
597 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia nivalis MP 0600
598 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia nordestina MP 0962
599 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia piresiana MP 1044
600 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia polyantha 'Arenicola' MP 1056
601 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia pusilla 'Itaoca'
602 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia pusilla
603 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia reitzii 'Corupá'
604 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia reitzii 'Iporanga' (magenta flowers)
605 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia reitzii 'Iporanga' (red flowers)
606 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia reitzii 'New Zealand'
607 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia reitzii 'Saltao' (heavy bloomer)
608 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia richii 'Jaguaré' (white)
609 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia richii 'Robson Lopes' (Yellow)
610 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia rupicola MP 0609
611 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia sceptrum - 'Macaé de Cima'
612 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia schiffneri
613 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia sellovii
614 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia sellovii 'Purple Rain'
615 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Antonio Dias'
616 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Big Purple'
617 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Buzios' MP 0728
618 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Carangola' MP 0634
619 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Cardoso Moreira'
620 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Cardoso Moreira' pink mutant x self
621 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Domingos Martins' MP 0127
622 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Dona Lourdes'
623 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Espirito Santo'
624 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Guatapara'
625 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Jurape'
626 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Massaguassu - caulescens'
627 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Niemeyer'
628 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Pink'
629 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa pink mutant x self
630 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa purple slipper
631 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Purple with extra petals'
632 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Regina' Domingos Martins
633 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia striata
634 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia tribracteata
635 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia tuberosa
636 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia tubiflora
637 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia valsuganensis MP 0619
638 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia warmingii MP 0144
639 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia warmingii 'Esmeril' MP 0159
640 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa hyb. 'Pink and White' X self
641 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa hyb. 'Red Slipper' X self
642 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa hyb. 'Tiger Pink' X self
643 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa hyb. 'Upright Red' X self
644 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa hyb. 'Upright White' X self
645 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa hyb. 'White Slipper' X self
646 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia sp 'Florianopolis'
647 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia sp 'Gertiana' MP 0958
648 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia sp 'Globulosa' MP 0622
649 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia sp 'Ibitioca' MP 1192
650 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia sp 'Itaguassu'
651 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia sp 'Pancas'
652 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Regina - Serra da Vista'
653 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia speciosa 'Regina - São Fidelis'
654 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia sp 'Rio das Pedras' MP 1094
655 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. (cardinalis Skydiver x iarae) X sel
656 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. (curtiflora X warmingii) X self
657 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. (douglasii x macrostachya) X self
658 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. (eumorpha x mauroana) X self
659 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. (glazioviana X iarae) X self
660 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. (glazioviana X macropoda) X self
661 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. (leucotricha X macropoda) X self
662 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. (rupicola x magnifica) X self
663 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. (S. reizii x ?)
664 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. (speciosa 'Carangola' x macrophylla) X self
665 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. 'Mini Purple' X self
666 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia hyb. 'Mini Red' X self MP 0123
667 GESNERIACEAE Sinningia natural hyb. (sp 'Florianopolis' x leopoldii) X self
668 GESNERIACEAE Smithiantha multiflora MP 0913
669 GESNERIACEAE Smithiantha hybrid Pink MP 0913
670 GESNERIACEAE Sphaerorrhiza sarmentiana MP 0715
671 GESNERIACEAE Sphaerorrhiza sp 'Raizama'
672 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus fenestra-dei
673 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus johannis
674 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus kentaniensis
675 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus kirkii
676 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus roseo-albus
677 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus saxorum
678 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus sylvaticus
679 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus sp cf wendlandii
680 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus hyb. (dark purple x self)
681 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus hyb. (Hera x self)
682 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus hyb. (light purple x self)
683 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus hyb. (Pegasus x self)
684 GESNERIACEAE Streptocarpus hyb. variegated x self
685 GESNERIACEAE Vanhouttea calcarata 'Venda Nova'
686 GESNERIACEAE Vanhouttea hilariana 'Carrancas'
687 GESNERIACEAE Vanhouttea lanata
688 GESNERIACEAE Vanhouttea pendula MP 0310
689 GESNERIACEAE Vanhouttea sp 'Capitolio' MP 1135

A 'violet' Violet!

This is a good looking violet with a really big bloom. It's one of the Russian varieties that are now being grown in the United States. It's name is 'Blue Eyed Russian' (EK-Goluboglazaia Rossiia) which is a semidouble to double, bright blue, large star, with a purple edge. Medium green foliage, pointed. Standard. It's AVSA Reg.# 9567.  E. Korshunova the hybridizer.

The photo doesn't do it full justice. The bloom is very large and the foliage, as you can see, makes a good rosette. SJ grows a really lovely plant.
And here is a closer shot of the flower. It's nice to get some different genetics for hybridizing from other parts of the world. In conversation I've understood it to be the case that these hybrids might like growing in cooler temperatures. It's interesting that varieties developed in warmer regions tend to do better for southern growers, and those varieties that come from "up north" do well in the cooler areas of the country. Let's see what the "Russians" will prefer. Any comments on that???

Thanks to SJ for allowing the plant to be captured on "digital film".

Friday, March 26, 2010

x Colbergaria

I got this plant from Belisles, and it's labeled x Colbergaria "Louise Harris". Belisle's catalog says it's a cross between Columnea and Colbergaria. I haven't been able to find any info on it on the internet. Anyone know more about it?

My Sinningia 'California Gold'

Hi Everyone!

Jinean, you've done a great job with this blog...now if I can only learn how to post a picture, too. There! I love this sinningia that I got from Clay on 10/22/01 and it's still alive!!! I hope you all can enjoy this picture. Terry

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to Post a Comment

This will show you how to make a comment on this or anyone's blog. If you follow the photos and screen shots (which will enlarge for closer viewing by clicking on them) you should be able to easily post a comment of your own. The photos illustrate how to do it, you have to actually go to the bottom of a blog post to make it work, clicking on the illustrations won't work.

Each post that is on the blog has some information at the bottom of the post. Our latest post with photos of Sinningia flowers says, "Posted by the Twin Cities Chapter of the Gesneriad Society at 9:59 am. 0 COMMENTS. Links to This Post, and Lables: Sinningia, Spring Show. The photo shows a finger pointing at the words "0 COMMENTS". CLICK ON the word COMMENTS.

Then a screen comes up with a box that says: POST A COMMENT
The photo shows a finger pointing to where you type a comment.

I typed the message, "What good looking Sinningias!" in the box.

Right below the finger in the photo you will see the POST COMMENT button. CLICK IT   The screen shot directly below gives you a closer look at this. Do you see the post comment button to the lower left?

This is a screen shot of what my comment looks like at the bottom of the post. Anyone, from any computer can make comments to the blog. These are not "the informational bits" or "articles", they are people's reactions to what the blog's authors have written for the blog. Even if you are not interested in writing information (posts) you are always able to say what's on your mind, or "Good photo", or "Hey, I have a question" etc. No one needs authorization, you can just comment.

Click on the photos to enlarge them. Post a comment of your own on this or other posts.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Show-y Sinningias

Here are a couple more of the Sinningias that were entered in the AVSM spring show at Har Mar Mall.

Sinningia 'Best Pink'

 Sinningia 'Mackenzie'

Monday, March 22, 2010

February Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the FEBRUARY 23, 2010 MEETING of the Gesneriad Society.

What a fun meeting. We had a nice full house with 13 members attending! Stephanie brought a wonderful Codonanthe gracilis that was blooming all over the place. It was interesting because the flowers were especially large and good looking. As it happened, Charles brought the "parent" Codonanthe that Stephanie's plant was a cutting from and the flowers on the parent, although lovely, were not as large and numerous. Later in the meeting cuttings were taken from Charles's parent plant because everyone wanted to try out this Codonante for themselves.

The official meeting was started at 6:55 p.m. There was little old business. A check for the AVSM awards wasn't yet sent and it was discussed as to how to best get it delivered now. Jude might have taken it with her following the meeting so it wouldn't have to wait to be mailed. More dues were collected. Most everyone is paid up till next year now. If there are questions about whether you have paid, ask Bob.

The spring show with the AVSM was discussed. The show is in MARCH. Thurs. Mar. 18th, is set up and judging. Friday and Saturday the 19-20th, 2010 is the official show that is open to the public for standard mall hours at Har Mar Mall in Roseville. The members of the Gesneriad Society are eligible to show at the AVSM show. We are also allowed to sell either as individuals (talk to the AVSM about getting a seller's number if this is of interest to you) or we can sell using the club's number which is #40. The proceeds of club sales will be 15% to the AVSM and 85% to the Gesneriad club's treasury. It's a nice way to increase our treasury since we have no independent shows of our own. BE SURE TO HIT THE "READ MORE" BUTTON FOR THE WHOLE ARTICLE.

I, Jinean, asked about whether our club has enough and current materials to hand out to the public at various events to promote our Gesneriad Society. I also asked about whether we need more of an internet presence and perhaps a web page/blog of our own. It seems that the yellow brochures we have are still abundant and handed out at various events. We were done with the official meeting at 7:12 p.m.

More discussion was held about a "field trip" made by a couple of the club members including Charles to a greenhouse in Forest Lake. Dennis H. grows mostly cactus and succulents but had also a selection of nice size gesneriad tubers. Some of these were Sinningia leucotricha and S. cardinalis. Charles bought some of these to resell to  members and the public. Some tubers were reserved to go to the AVSM show so that more members of the public could purchase and get familiar with the cool plants that are Sinningia.

Thank you!!!!!!!! to Esther for bringing treats to the meeting. The apple cake was really fabulous. Next meeting treats will be brought by Stephanie!

We had a slide show of the 2009 National Gesneriad Convention winners. There were some very remarkable plants shown. Some of the highlights were S. species "Florianopolis" which has very, very fuzzy white "hair" on it's stems making it look like it has cotton all over it. Another Sinningia was S. 'Ozark Red Lightening'. A nice bright bloomer from David Harris. Kohleria 'Peridots Mango Martini' was good looking and a very bushy example of what most of our Kohleria do NOT look like. Amalophyllon clarkii is a neat looking "unusual" gesneriad that would be interesting to get seed for for our club. A huge, long Alsobia 'Cygnet' was shown that would make anyone proud to own it. A Chirita dielsii was the very stunning flower that was somewhat Streptocarpus like in that of it's five petals the bottom three were stunning lavender/blue and the top two petals were bright white. Apparently that plant is not available for sale. There were photos of some cool Petrocosmea begoniifolia and various Chiritas. Strep. 'Dale's Scarlet Macaw' shows a bright red flower that gets its color from the parentage of  S. dunnii. Some of the Chiritas were nicely variegated like C. 'Cynthia'. A rather unusual gesneriad shown was Conandron ramondioides. Later in the slide show were examples of design featuring gesneriads and some photography. It was a great show.

Next meeting is March 23, 2010. Tuesday evening at St. Christopher like usual.
Notes by JS.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gorgeous Gesneriads

There were 38 'other gesneriads' in the African Violet Show at HarMar last Friday and Sat.

Lots of Petrocosmeas, and larger ones this year.
Five plants of Sinningia leucotricha, plus S. cardinalis, S. cardinalis 'Innocent' [white flowered form], S. iarae and S. pusilla [a micro-sinningia]. And Sinningia hybrids. A couple Kohlerias, good to see since we had the Year of the Kohleria back in 2008. And seven or eight Streptocarpus. Some Chiritas, including a yellow flowered one in bloom. A very good show!

We will be having a program on Petrocosmeas at an AGGSTC meeting later this spring. This was presented at the GS convention last year in Washington, DC by Tim Tuttle.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The next meeting is coming right up on March 23, 2010!

Don't miss out on the fun. Guests are always welcome. For more information or directions you may contact gesneriads@gmail.com