Thursday, August 22, 2013

State Fair Show 2013

Can you believe it's the Great Minnesota State Fair time again???

Here are some gesneriads on display at the Fair in the Horticulture Building on Thurs. and Friday Aug. 22-23, 2013!
 This is pretty cool, and HOW DO YOU GET THE PLANT IN THE BOTTLE??
 A Streptocarpus or two for your approval!

Nice plants!
 It's a sign that says:

Join us at our first spring show on April 26-27, 2014!

Our first in at least 20 years that is... we're going to dazzle and amaze and you wouldn't want to miss that, would you?
 Here's a little slice of a "hot" dish!

Well, it's hot enough to win best design!
More fun with Gesneriads



PS: Thanks to Sharon J. for the pix for this and the NSAVCTC blog! Thank you!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

What's Bloomin', Achimenes mexicana, xSmithicodonia 'Heartland's Joy', Sinningia defoliata and More

This is one of my favorite flowers this summer. It's Achimenes mexicana. This rhizomatous plant produces flowers an inch and a half wide and the color contrast between the flower and the foliage is really striking.

This one should be grown by everyone!
 I got a Streptocarpella 'white'. It's not the whole name but it is what was on the label. This thing is always covered with flowers and it's a show-off. The plant down to the lower right is a Str. saxorum.
 The next two pix are of a nice Kohleria that I really like the color of. It's Kohleria 'Beltane'.

The pink tubes and the spotted lime green face make it a pretty cool flower to grow.
 I also like the buds. They are as good as the flower, fading from dark green to yellow to orange.

The plant seems to be one of those that should be pinched to keep it a little less leggy. Oh, it's so easy to forget to pinch some of these things... lol.
 Meet xSmithicodonia 'Heartland's Joy'. This is a baby that is already blooming. The day that Dale Martens got to do the Happy Hybridizer's Dance for this one was truly a really great day!
 Achimenes 'Ambroise Verschaffelt' must have danced about his flower too. It doesn't show up anywhere near as cool in the photograph as it does in person.
It took some patience, but after a couple of years waiting, the Sinningia defoliata is getting it's large leaves. They look like Streptocarpus leaves and I was fooled when I was thinking I put a Strep in the wrong tray. I haven't had the plant bloom yet, but I'm waiting.
I know it's not a Streptocarpus though, it is a Sinningia because of the tubers it's making. This was started from seed from the Seed Fund. 
 I've also had the revelation that I like Eucodonias a whole lot! They bloom and almost never have any troubles. They do their thing, die down, make plenty of rhizomes and then start all over again after you've shared some of the rhizomes.

This one is Eucodonia 'Makie'. I really like the contrast in the flower color with the dark purple edge and the very white center. And, the veining on the leaves is nice too. I only have a baby, but this one will definitely be one that I continue to grow and enjoy.
