Thursday, June 30, 2011

The June Meeting, Kohleria 'Lemon Demon' and Other Awesome Things

The June meeting was full of great 'show and tell' plants brought in by members!!! This is Sinningia micans! The big leaves and striking color of the flowers are impressive!
The flower stem was much more upright when Sue put it in her car. This is a 6 inch pot.
Because of the bright background light this Columnea purpurevittata doesn't show up to it's potential at all. With apologies, it will be properly photographed for everyone's enjoyment soon!
This is a delightful Achimenes 'Emma Lawn' named after the hybridizer's mother. What striking flowers!
This is an unnamed seedling Strep. that comes from a self of a cross of Iceberg Blues x Guidelines. Most of the offspring were purple, but this little one showed off and came up with lots of bright white flowers!
Again with the photo not showing off the plant well, this is not Sylvia but a very distinct bright and rich colored Russian hybrid called Versace.
How about this?? The flower didn't fade after the usual few days but has stayed fresh while the pollination took place and the seed pod formed. The flower is approximately three months old already? Weird!
The program for the evening was really excellent. Mauro Peixoto of Mauro Peixoto's Brazilian Plants put together a PowerPoint presentation on Sinningia species. The photos were excellent.

This is a Kohleria 'Lemon Demon' showing off the yellow on the face of the flower, with purple spots and a vibrant violet tube. The plants makes lots of flower.

This was hybridized by Jon Dixon, past president of the Gesneriad Society. He gav e me a plant when I visited him a couple of years ago, and we have been getting just violet flowers. Time to ask Jon if this is the real Lemon Demon.
And we have great news! Patrick Worley joined us last night. We had lots of fun and we are delighted to meet him at last. Patrick was a member of the Twin Cities chapter back in the 70's. He is looking for gesneriads plants, especially rhizomatous ones. Janice brought in a large rambling xSmithicodonia "Heartland's Joy' hybridized by Dale Martens, in bloom with lovely large growing purple flowers. It went home with Patrick.
Welcome back.