Saturday, January 18, 2014

This and That, Smithiantha zebrina, Kohleria grandiflora, terrariums for show

Oh, I've been a horrible blogger. I have lots of cool pictures that are backlogged too... but for this moment, here is something very pretty!

This is Kohleria grandiflora. I purchase  things off of the internet through Ebay and this is one from a seller known as Kathystrep.  I've gotten some interesting plants from this vendor and like what they are offering.
 I'm becoming much more interested in species and am quite sure as gesneriad growers we all should be much more concerned with the environmental destruction that is taking them away from us before we ever get to see them for the first time!

This is a plant I'm waiting to see grow out a bit more. I ordered this in the summer and the seller sent me, (as usual) very good plants. The postal service and 100 degree heat however wasn't so kind. I'm babying this along to see if it will like my growing situation!

 This is a seedling from the Gesneriad Seed Fund. If you ever set some seed on your plants... especially on your species, I certainly suggest you take the few minutes that it takes to send some see to the seed fund. I really appreciate the service and intend to be a contributor too. I'm still learning HOW to get the seeds to set and ripen without falling off first etc!

Anyway, this is just a baby and not particularly well grown. I don't have a lot of luck getting Smithiantha to grow really strong and not floppy, and I do have quite a bit of light for them, but in any case.. this is a winner and one you should grow!

 I have a bit of Ivy in my collection of gesneriads today. She is helping out with EVERY dang thing on the work table. I finally got her to take a little snooze in a box. What cat doesn't love a box???
I have pretty good luck starting the terrariums and dish gardens planting the background plants a couple of months before the main violet or gesneriad show. The big plants get a chance to settle in and in fact, I have had terrariums go for years before having to change out the majority of things. This one is NOT finished. I will let it go and not put in a violet for a while yet. This particular jar was a bunch of fun and I got it (it's big) for less than $25. Fun! I found it at Home Goods. They have glassware that is pretty awesome.
