Hello..... this is a Paliavana!!!!! I"m told it's a Paliavana gracillis, but then again the pictures of it look like a Paliavana tenuiflora. Either way it is a Paliavana and it is mine and it is BLOOMING!!!!!!!!
Now you have to admit, this is a pretty good looking flower!
The plant is finally happy after being tormented under low-light conditions. Now, that this cutting lives at a proper greenhouse, (it took about 4 months) *poof, it bursts into bloom... and what a lot of bloom it will have too.
The flowers are in part bat pollinated. I don't have any bats handy to test out this claim, but it seems that it's certainly big enough for a bat to try to put it's little head in there.....
The plant will have quite a lot of blooms. I'm hoping to see if it will either set some seed, or it can be crossed with a Sinningia or two and make something interesting!
This is something different, it's a Drymonia oinochrophylla. These are really cool little shiny plants that make the nicest rosy purple flowers! An outstanding small gesneriad that does nothing but grow pleasantly and did I mention that the leaves were shiny??? More pix of this one when it opens.