Tuesday, June 8, 2010

May 25th Meeting Minutes

The meeting of the Twin City chapter of the Gesneriad club was a stunning success as usual. We had 12 folks drop by with one guest whom we would love to invite to come and join us as a member!

We had some fun show and tell plants brought in. One was a "whisk" fern which is a very old type plant - older than the ferns. We had a "Snake Skin" Kohleria from Janice which, as always, was perfectly grown. Clay had two streps that he hybridized. One was a kin to Showy Lady which has a fragrance and pink flowers... see blog photo from previous post. One was a purple flower with a delicate striping in the throat. Also, see blog photo.

Charles had a couple of fun things as usual! One was a species Episcia cupreata which comes from Central America. We had a succulent that I can't come up with the name of but whose photo is on the blog also. We had a Lycaste orchid which was large and wonderful. Check photo on the previous blog post.

The official meeting started at 6:55 pm and lasted till 7:15 pm. The treasury was noted and will be available to members offline. The checking now only has two names associated with it.

We motioned and seconded a plan to renew our affiliate membership with AVSM. A check will go to their treasurer (T.K.) We also made the motion and second to send the Gesneriad Society 2010 convention award like we have done in the past. Forty dollars will go to their treasurer J.M..

Old business included discussion of the fact that we donated to the church for use of the meeting space at Christmas time. ($50.00) We also talked about the plan to buy the 2006 convention CD for the club. It has at least three programs worth of information for our use. It's $15.00 which was motioned and seconded and passed.

There were nominations for officers. C. H. is nominated for president. No one is willing at this time to take the vice president's spot which means all will have to share with the planning of programs for the coming year. Secretary and treasurer will potentially stay the same next year. It was moved and seconded for a white paper vote for the positions.

Mark A. of Linder's emailed with a request for our club's information and membership contact material to be sent to their web resources site. We would be among other groups listed showing different community plant clubs and information sources. We were trying to track down a pamphlet to use to send material to Mark. ( As a side note, Mark was contacted, but hasn't responded to the email yet.)

Treats for June will be brought by Bob. Thank you Bob.

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