Sunday, October 14, 2012

Violet Show at the Olbrich Conservatory, Madison

 I had the honor of getting to judge the WI grower's African violet show at the Olbrich Conservatory in Madison, WI this past weekend.

Not only was the violet show filled with lovely and interesting things, the conservatory was too!

I want one of these dripping off the trellis at my house.

Along the pathways you might just stumble upon a gesneriad like this nice basket of Kohleria 'Napoleon V' .
 I was pretty taken with the "Lipstick Vine" that gets its own personal waterfall. I can see that if I just have a stream running through the plant room (which of course every husband would endorse) I could also grow one that looks this large and lush!
Just for fun.... I had to include this tiny person for some scale on this rather large 'Angle Trumpet' tree. Again... got to expand the plant room... blow off the roof... build up a story or two.... *dreams on...
 The pathways and garden are a thing of beauty. There are free-roaming quail and canaries, Koi the size of submarines and orchids all over the place. The fragrance is lovely too.
Here's a shot of the show tables. Really top notch plants shown. It was a delight to be asked to come on down to do the judging.
Only a small section of the gesneriad table featuring the (formerly known as) Chiritas and a couple of others.

Got the itch for a day trip? Drive on down to the Madison, WI Olbrich Gardens.... very nice!



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