Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Drymonia 'First Peach', Sin. 'Zillinova and Nematanthus 'Bijou' are more of What's Blooming Today!

 This is Drymonia 'First Peach' and it's the first time it's bloomed for me!

Woo hooo, it's a pretty flower and it sure "looks like a gesneriad" from the shape and fringes on the petals etc.
 It is a sturdy plant that has stiff leathery leaves and I would imagine that it could grow pretty large. It's blooming with two blooms in a 4" pot right now. Maybe it will be the sort that likes growing in dappled shade outside in the MN summer. It would be lovely!
 Here is our friend and vexing plant Sinningia tubiflora. It doesn't seem to bloom indoors all that often but when it does it has a sweet fragrance and those super long flowers are pretty interesting to look at.
 A poor shot of Sinningia reitzii but it's still decked out in Christmas colors and no matter how mean you are to it and how dry and wilted it becomes and how many leaves you kill off, it will come back from almost anything and still bloom consistantly.

Just think if you were to actually do a good job caring for it.... Nice plant IF you keep hacking it off, otherwise it gets too tall for the lights.
 One of the mid-size Sinningias called 'Zillinova'. I think it's from Kartuz Greenhouse. Nice textured leaves and really nice blooms with some interesting patterning on the petals. The flower has lightish lines on the petals and they are similar on all the flowers, sort of like you creased the petals but you didn't.
 Here's a first for the collection... I finally got a Nematanthus brasiliensis 
to bloom with a second flower coming. These are pretty cool and they hang down on a long pedicle.

 Here's something else new to the collection!

This is Nematanthus Bijou. It started out as a very sickly little cutting that was graciously given to me from an Ebay order that sat in a hot box wayyyyy toooo long. Most all of the leaves were mushy and many fell off but this one came back and rooted.

Now it's a very pretty little starter plant.
The leaves are very dark green and shiny and the flowers seem to come on a young-ish plant. The petals are a nice bright yellow with orange while the tube is a bright orange with the characteristic "goldfish" lump.



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