Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Sinningia bullata x leopoldii, Gesneria humilis, Amalophyllum ecuadoranum, Chautemsia calcicola, Kohleria 'Beltane'

This is what's bloomin' today!

Sinningia bullata x leopoldii. I grew this from a seed so I guess that would give me the rights to give it a name.

I had three or four others that were various shades of red or darker orange but this clear orange one with the great "snowflake" markings is the best.

The tuber is very odd and sort of corky also. I really like this plant only I'm afraid to cut off the only shoot it has right now so that I can propagate it. The tuber might go dormant and who knows if it would re-sprout?
Another seedling, this is Gesneria humilis. It's a tiny thing in a 3 oz Solo cup for now. This is its very first flower and I was really surprised to see that it's green.
It's a cute little deal that will probably grow quite a bit larger, but to get it to this size was a struggle. It's much happier under a dome now, although it had very humid conditions on a mat. Cool, eh?
This is pretty awesome but rangy. The small humid growing ones in the dome are the ones that were blooming today. This one is Amalophyllum ecuadoranum. It's very sensitive to drying out and it sort of sprawls for it's tiny size, but it produces a bunch of flowers on long pedicils with one flower each. They're very stunning white flowers with small thumbnail size leaves.

The flowers are "very gesneriad" in that they too have the fuzzy hair on them and so do the stems and leaves etc.
Another tiny thing, Chautemsia calcicola. I've had bigger colonies of this plant that produces rhizomes, but this little one is all I have right now. The rhizomes are a cute tiny purple thing. If you are lucky they will produce quite a few, but it's a challenge to see them against the dark soil.
The flower is quite "gesneriad" too. Five petals formed into the tube, the single pistil and the joined stamen.

The Chautemsia, Amalophyllum and Gesneria (for now) are all pretty tiny for those looking for smaller things to fit on your limited light stand shelves. I recommend just getting another stand.... just sayin'.
This is not little. This is biggish! It's Kohleria 'Beltane'. I like this plant because I really like the color combination of the flowers with a vivid magenta tube and the green dotted face.

The adult is a little ratty looking, but the flowers are really cool, so ignore the first photo (a little). ; )
Don't you agree? This is a great fuzzy flower. The plant blooms for a long time and it seems to hold the flowers for a nice long time too.


1 comment:

  1. Hello! I've found this picture on the intenet of sinningia Bullata x Leopoldii.
    The flowers are different from your plant.
    Which is the right flower for this sinningia?
