Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Microchirita species, Thailand Phuket, Kohleria Napoleon V and Rattlesnake, Smithiantha multiflora and more are blooming today!

 This is Primulina (Chirita) species (Phuket). How about this for a cute plant?

The person that passed these around to the club started them from seed from the Gesneriad Society Seed Fund! A great place to get seed from for members, and a good reason to join and become a member.
 This little plant bloomed while quite small, as you can see. It's supposed to be an annual, so if you are enjoying it this year, be sure to let it set some seed so that you can replant and enjoy it again and again. It also requires very high humidity. Keep this one in an enclosure or spot where it won't dry out.
 This is Kohleria 'Napoleon V'. I really like the color contrast and the nice "gesneriad hair" this one has. It's blooming on a very small plant too.
 This Kohleria 'Rattlesnake" is also a nicely colored flower with the top two petals having the darker coloration.

Kohleria like quite a bit of light to stay short and sturdy and they also can be pinched to encourage branching. This allows them to become a nicely shaped plant.
 I'm pretty excited about this one. It's Smithiantha multiflora. It will have white blooms with yellow centers and it's just a seedling but already setting flowers. While Smithiantha can get to be tall, the spikes of flowers are sure to be very worth the "tall" factor.
 This little Episcia 'Jim's Daphane's Choice' is a really good, clear yellow. I'm hoping that something cool will happen with the Alsobia 'Chiapas' pollen I pollinated it with too. Perhaps they are closely enough related to do something interesting.
How about a miniature Sinningia 'Maiden's Blush'?? These are from seed also and blooming all over the place. It's a small plant but pretty nice and compact with the light and blush colored blooms.

So... that's what's blooming in the ole' plant room today. What about yours??? Send a photo and we'll post it so that everyone can share the fun of seeing what's bloomin'.


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