Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sinningia speciosa, not just for the geriatric anymore!

 Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates that sort of thing, and Happy Day to those that don't.

Here is a nice 'surprise' Sinningia speciosa. A bit of a story here... our chapter discovered to our dismay that no one besides a tried and true plant geek knows what a "gesneriad" is. We even got the comments, and no joke here, that it must be for the elderly... equating gesneriad with geriatric.  So, to improve our "cool factor" we were thinking up how to sound much more awesome than something for only the aged when we advertised for shows and events etc.

We found ourselves going back to the days when the national organization was the Gloxinia AND Gesneriad Society, using the Gloxinia as a recognizable flower most people knew. So here's our plot... which no one in the club knows about just yet, but they WILL!

We're going to get all our members to grow a couple of Gloxinias so that when we get a chance to show off our stuff we can advertise that there will be LOTS of Gloxinias and "rare gesneriads" there to marvel at! We'll see how that flies... lol.
Anyway, when at the Linder's Garden Center there were nice healthy looking 'Gloxinias' there just waiting to go home with someone that would think that they were special. A fellow member and I got a couple that weren't in flower, just because that would mean it would be a surprise when they opened and showed off their color! It really doesn't matter what color a Gloxie is, they are all really cool! So, here is MY Easter colored Gloxina which opened just in time to show off it's pretty purple colors. Now if I can figure out how to pollinate something a bit smaller with this one, we might have another experiment in the works.

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