Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What's Bloomin', xNiphemenes 'Lemonade', Alsobia 'Cygnet', Achimenes 'Grape Wine', S. 'Gabriel's Horn', and Ivy with P. tabacum

 Ok, this is cool.... you have to think this is cool.... it is an intergeneric crossing a Niphea with an Achimenes! You get this cute thing.

I got it as a tiny plant and it obviously needs a couple seasons to grow out and I need to give it more light.
 It's a bit of a string now, but the leaves are very interesting with the dark venation and the bloom couldn't be cuter.

I'm thinking that it has rhizomes??? Haven't looked yet, but soon.... oh soon!
 Here's an old favorite, Alsobia 'Cygnet'. Cool blooms and a nicely compact plant this time.

Sometimes these Alsobias get pretty long and stringy also, but this one is doing pretty well. These would look nice on a natural mount like a cork bark or something similar.
 I've never tried any of the Achimenes prior to this year and I'm hooked.

I've learned some things... squirrels like to dig up the rhizomes and throw them on the ground if you put the pot outdoors.

 You CAN grow them under lights apparently.... I've not yet mastered the lush and full look yet, but the blooms make up for that. This one is 'Grape Wine'.
 Another favorite... one of the sport colors I think. This is Sinningia 'Gabriel's Horn' in the pink.

I like the calyx double thing going on.
This is Ivy looking at the Primulina tabacum. She is quite impressed that they look so lush and full. But... she mentions discretely that they need some grooming to remove spent blossoms... 1/2 point off for each of those!

Stay tuned for the second half of "What's Blooming Today".



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