Friday, November 25, 2011

Club Project - Streptocarpus 'Noreen'.... Let the Fun Begin!

Meet 'Noreen'. She's a pretty little Streptocarpus who is going to make us famous!!!!

Uh, well.... at least we're going to try to learn something about the differences in amateur-grower's methods of cultivation and care.

Here is a whole box of little 'Noreens' that are going to be adopted by club members.

Our club has members who grow only in natural light, members who have a greenhouse environment to keep their plants in and members who use fluorescent lights in various combinations and locations. We also have a commercial member who is serious about growing them! The goal is to get a starter plant of the same size and variety out to all the members who want one and then periodically check in on the plants to see what's going on with them.

Most people have tried growing a Strep or two at one time or another but it's not possible to compare and contrast what's happening with the plants unless everyone starts out with the same plant at the same time. This project isn't about who can get the largest, most handsome plant just dripping with flowers (although we will all be anxious to hear about how to do that) but about seeing if we can identify any aspects of cultivation and care that seem to really be beneficial to a hybrid Strep.

We'll also be looking for things that aren't necessarily beneficial. What killed it, stunted it or made it into a potential winner at next Halloween's "Night of the Nearly Dead" competition. *Sales pitch here* It's worth the cost of admission just to see the entries for 'Most nearly dead without "crossing over"'

These last two photos are examples of what this plant looks like when it's an "adolescent". I'm really anxious to see what members will share over the next few months. We'll have photos to post from time to time and in 6 months and one year we'll all attempt to bring what's still alive to a club meeting and take a couple of group shots! Wish everyone luck!

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