Thursday, November 17, 2011

The 'OH $@%#' Moment....

Sometimes..... you just wonder why. Why do boxes of seedlings leap off of the table and on to the floor? Are they trying to be free? Do they think that they can fly?

For no apparent reason - and unbelievably, with no help from any cats whatsoever - a sweet little box took the leap.
 After months of waiting for some seeds to finally germinate (much later than their friends in the first photo) these little, microscopic dudes found themselves on the floor -upside down.
Thankfully, my ever-present plant room helper was on duty. He points out that it's a mess.

Thank you, Walter. I had not noticed this till you pointed it out.

A recovery plan was made.

Under close supervision I was directed to look through the sad mess and rescue as many of the small seedlings as I could. Interestingly, the seedlings look a whole lot like the perlite that turns green with algae and is about the same size as the seedlings.

Without knowing which was which, Walter kindly pointed out what to look for.

He suggested using a skewer so that the seedlings could be ever so gently lifted out of the soil and set into a new home.

You can see that these little dudes are pretty small.... bifocals are required.

This IS a chance to try out Dale Martens' method of wiggling the roots to speed up growth though....
The seedlings are in a new cup. They went under a dome and they'll hopefully recover.

PS: Two days later they are still looking good and none appear to have wilted and died from their trauma.

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