Sunday, December 18, 2011

A "Fungus-Among-Us"

 Dear Dr. Plant,

I'm getting these petite holes in a variety of my plants. I check for insects but don't find any. I see that the holes appear suddenly out of nowhere and seem to be on a variety of genera. If it's not an insect problem, I'm afraid to inquire if it could be a more virulent pest.
 I usually see the tell-"tail" signs in plants that are near the cooler floor, but occasionally I see the problem up much higher on the shelves. Could my frightening affliction be fungal?

Just sign me,
Pestered in MN

 Dr. Plant replies...

Dear Pestered,

I see from the additional photos you sent that you are getting large, black fungal fruiting bodies on your plant shelves.

I can see from this first photo that it's predominantly on the third shelf and it seems to be growing.
 You will note by the relaxed "tail" section of the fungal-fruit that it seems to be well established. This is usually not a good sign for the future health of your plants.

You will start seeing even more "petite holes", almost as if something is "tasting" the leaves. The damage will look a lot like Shothole Fungus with the damage going through the leaf leaving small holes approximately 1/8" to 1/4" appart.

 It is sometimes hard to spot this particular fungus in and amongst the foliage, so I suggest you get in your plant room and make a full inspection of all your shelves before it gets even more established and spreads to more areas.
Oh, your last photo is the most disturbing. When the infection seems to be in a fully spread out pattern and it's covering a number of plants I'm afraid that you have probably lost your battle and you might as well treat yourself to some chocolate and change your hobby to something easier like competeting in cat-agility competitions. 

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